

Support provided for companies by creating contact opportunities, business development, business growth.


Facilitate sharing of information between companies, create opportunities for meeting companies with common objectives, develop opportunities for business growth.


Promotion of Italian companies products through exhibition premises in Brno city center.


Awareness across the members of the Association about potential market opportunities in the form of meetings and via our platform.


Development of business cooperation, development of business education, promoting cultural and social cooperation.


Support for the members of the Association by providing legal, tax and technical advice, company awareness and training of employees on business trips.

Meet us

Meet AICSI member companies and partner association companies.

Get inspired

Read the stories of our cooperation successes.


Get connected with other members via our platform.

AICSI operates in the Czech Republic and Italy and provides direct contact with the local and international trading system.

The Czech Republic is located in a strategic geographical location, in the middle of Europe on the border with Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Poland.

Contact us

Contact us and we will be happy to discuss membership and the possibilities of future cooperation with you. Contact
information on how to apply for membership and the regular fee.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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